XiaoYangshan, a small island located south of Shanghai in the Hangzhou bay is best known for the massive deep-water port. Even-though the island falls under the administration of Zhejiang province, the 32.5km long Donghai Bridge makes the accessibility easy from Shanghai. Besides the huge container port and economic development, XiaoYangshan is a hot place among Shanghai birders during the migration season. There are huge developments underway to expand the port but the island offers a variety of habitat for various passage migrants.
During this spring migration, it was evident that Chinese Egrets (Egretta eulophotes) were seen regularly in XiaoYangshan. As per BirdLife International, the population of Chinese Egrets is 2,500-9,999 mature individuals which places the total population in the range of 3,800-15,000 individuals. Like every other shorebird migrates through the East Asian-Australian Flyway which shows a declining trend in their population, Chinese Egrets are also succumbed to the loss of habitat. The land reclamation throughout the East Coast, especially along the Zhejiang province, has cost a potential staging site for these birds. Unlike the other Egrets, Chinese Egrets are mainly dependent on the inter-tidal mudflats and estuaries and rarely seen in fishing ponds and paddy fields.

Chinese Egret actively feeding on the mudflats of XiaoYangshan
During May 2015, 3 different individuals were observed feeding in the receding tide. During May 2016, the no’s have significantly increased and making first two weeks of May is their key time of passage through East China. On 16th April 2016, along with Russell Boyman, we noticed 3 individuals resting on the mudflats. On 24th April, we saw 4 birds, one at the fishing dock(30.641269, 122.052142) and the other 3 at the harbor mudflats (30.611012, 122.109624).

Individual 1 on 24th April

Individual 2 on 24th April
On 30th April, we had more eyes on the field with “Frogfish” aka Kevin Harding joining us and we noted 7 individuals on the harbor mudflats and another 3 in Nanhui making the total day count to 10 individuals. The major congregation was noted this weekend, 7th May with staggering 15 mature individuals roosting together during a hide on XiaoYangshan, full credits to Russell for finding this flock.

The Big Flock
Based on the observation during two springs(May 2015 & May 2016), XiaoYangshan is becoming a key staging site for the Chinese Egrets during their migration. With the developments lurking around throughout the east coast of China, XiaoYangshan mudflats are unharmed at the moment as the port is expanding northwise. Although, an entire mountain was “demountainized” during last spring for a new power station, its unclear whether the mudflats will remain or not.
Some other highlights from XiaoYangshan during this spring
Just like the Chinese Egret, we had good no. of Yellow-breasted Bunting passing through. We had 100% success rate in finding the Yellow-breasted Bunting on all the four weekends.

Individual 2 near the Garbage dumping site on 25th April

Another scarce bunting in Shanghai

A very confiding Nightjar

Dusky Warbler

Narcissus Flycatcher, a specialist in coastal migration

Vocal specialist – Manchurian Bush Warbler

Yet another new bird for my Shanghai list
We had a plenty of variety in Buntings, we even managed to score the two scarce Buntings (Yellow-breasted and Yellow) but missed the Yellow-browed.

Japanese Yellow Bunting

A very common Bunting during passage.
Consolidated species list during 24 April – 7 May 2016
Common name | Scientific name | Location | Date | Count |
Ducks, Geese and Swans (Anatidae) – 1 / 173 | ||||
Eastern Spot-billed Duck | Anas zonorhyncha | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Pheasants and allies (Phasianidae) – 1 / 182 | ||||
Common Pheasant | Phasianus colchicus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 4 |
Grebes (Podicipedidae) – 1 / 23 | ||||
Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Ibises, Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) – 2 / 36 | ||||
Eurasian Spoonbill | Platalea leucorodia | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Black-faced Spoonbill – EN | Platalea minor | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 40 |
Herons, Bitterns (Ardeidae) – 8 / 72 | ||||
Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Lava/Striated Heron | Butorides sundevalli/striata | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Chinese Pond Heron | Ardeola bacchus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Eastern Cattle Egret | Bubulcus coromandus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Great Egret | Ardea alba | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Intermediate Egret | Egretta intermedia | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Little Egret | Egretta garzetta | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Chinese Egret – VU | Egretta eulophotes | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
Ospreys (Pandionidae) – 1 / 2 | ||||
Eastern Osprey | Pandion cristatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 2 |
Kites, Hawks and Eagles (Accipitridae) – 1 / 256 | ||||
Hen Harrier | Circus cyaneus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Rails, Crakes and Coots (Rallidae) – 3 / 151 | ||||
White-breasted Waterhen | Amaurornis phoenicurus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Eurasian Coot | Fulica atra | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Stilts, Avocets (Recurvirostridae) – 2 / 10 | ||||
Black-winged Stilt | Himantopus himantopus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 15 |
Pied Avocet | Recurvirostra avosetta | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 1 |
Plovers (Charadriidae) – 3 / 67 | ||||
Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Kentish Plover | Charadrius alexandrinus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Lesser Sand Plover | Charadrius mongolus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 10 |
Jacanas (Jacanidae) – 1 / 8 | ||||
Pheasant-tailed Jacana | Hydrophasianus chirurgus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Sandpipers, Snipes (Scolopacidae) – 18 / 96 | ||||
Common Snipe | Gallinago gallinago | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Bar-tailed Godwit | Limosa lapponica | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Whimbrel | Numenius phaeopus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Far Eastern Curlew – VU | Numenius madagascariensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Spotted Redshank | Tringa erythropus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 15 |
Common Redshank | Tringa totanus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 10 |
Marsh Sandpiper | Tringa stagnatilis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Green Sandpiper | Tringa ochropus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Wood Sandpiper | Tringa glareola | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Terek Sandpiper | Xenus cinereus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Ruddy Turnstone | Arenaria interpres | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Red-necked Stint | Calidris ruficollis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
Long-toed Stint | Calidris subminuta | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 4 |
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Calidris acuminata | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Dunlin | Calidris alpina | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 10 |
Gulls, Terns and Skimmers (Laridae) – 2 / 102 | ||||
Caspian Tern | Hydroprogne caspia | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 1 |
White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Pigeons, Doves (Columbidae) – 2 / 335 | ||||
Oriental Turtle Dove | Streptopelia orientalis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Nightjars (Caprimulgidae) – 1 / 98 | ||||
Grey Nightjar | Caprimulgus jotaka | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Caracaras, Falcons (Falconidae) – 2 / 67 | ||||
Eurasian Hobby | Falco subbuteo | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Peregrine Falcon | Falco peregrinus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Shrikes (Laniidae) – 3 / 33 | ||||
Tiger Shrike | Lanius tigrinus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 1 |
Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Long-tailed Shrike | Lanius schach | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Figbirds, Orioles (Oriolidae) – 1 / 38 | ||||
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 2 |
Drongos (Dicruridae) – 2 / 25 | ||||
Black Drongo | Dicrurus macrocercus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 4 |
Hair-crested Drongo | Dicrurus hottentottus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/7/16 | 1 |
Crows, Jays (Corvidae) – 2 / 131 | ||||
Eurasian Magpie | Pica pica | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Large-billed Crow | Corvus macrorhynchos | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 4 |
Tits, Chickadees (Paridae) – 1 / 61 | ||||
Japanese Tit | Parus minor | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Larks (Alaudidae) – 1 / 97 | ||||
Oriental Skylark | Alauda gulgula | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) – 1 / 151 | ||||
Light-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus sinensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Swallows, Martins (Hirundinidae) – 3 / 88 | ||||
Pale Martin | Riparia diluta | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 4 |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Red-rumped Swallow | Cecropis daurica | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Cettia Bush Warblers and allies (Cettiidae) – 1 / 32 | ||||
Manchurian Bush Warbler | Horornis borealis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 6 |
Leaf Warblers and allies (Phylloscopidae) – 7 / 77 | ||||
Dusky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuscatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Pallas’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus proregulus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Yellow-browed Warbler | Phylloscopus inornatus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Hume’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus humei | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Arctic Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus tenellipes | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 7 |
Eastern Crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus coronatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Reed Warblers and allies (Acrocephalidae) – 1 / 61 | ||||
Oriental Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus orientalis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Grassbirds and allies (Locustellidae) – 1 / 60 | ||||
Marsh Grassbird | Locustella pryeri | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Cisticolas and allies (Cisticolidae) – 3 / 158 | ||||
Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Hill Prinia | Prinia superciliaris | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
Plain Prinia | Prinia inornata | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Sylviid Babblers (Sylviidae) – 1 / 70 | ||||
Vinous-throated Parrotbill | Sinosuthora webbiana | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Northern/Reed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis polivanovi/heudei | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
White-eyes (Zosteropidae) – 1 / 128 | ||||
Japanese White-eye | Zosterops japonicus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Starlings, Rhabdornis (Sturnidae) – 3 / 123 | ||||
Crested Myna | Acridotheres cristatellus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Red-billed Starling | Spodiopsar sericeus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 20 |
White-cheeked Starling | Spodiopsar cineraceus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Thrushes (Turdidae) – 8 / 166 | ||||
Siberian Thrush | Geokichla sibirica | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Grey-backed Thrush | Turdus hortulorum | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Japanese Thrush | Turdus cardis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Common Blackbird | Turdus merula | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Eyebrowed Thrush | Turdus obscurus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Pale Thrush | Turdus pallidus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Brown-headed Thrush | Turdus chrysolaus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Dusky Thrush | Turdus eunomus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Chats, Old World Flycatchers (320) (Muscicapidae) – 13 / 320 | ||||
Grey-streaked Flycatcher | Muscicapa griseisticta | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Asian Brown Flycatcher | Muscicapa latirostris | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Blue-and-white Flycatcher | Cyanoptila cyanomelana | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Siberian Blue Robin | Larvivora cyane | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Rufous-tailed Robin | Larvivora sibilans | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Siberian Rubythroat | Calliope calliope | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Red-flanked Bluetail | Tarsiger cyanurus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Yellow-rumped Flycatcher | Ficedula zanthopygia | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Narcissus Flycatcher | Ficedula narcissina | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Mugimaki Flycatcher | Ficedula mugimaki | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Taiga Flycatcher | Ficedula albicilla | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Blue Rock Thrush | Monticola solitarius | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 6 |
Stejneger’s Stonechat | Saxicola stejnegeri | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 1 |
Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches (Passeridae) – 1 / 51 | ||||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 15 |
Wagtails, Pipits (Motacillidae) – 5 / 65 | ||||
Eastern Yellow Wagtail | Motacilla tschutschensis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 50 |
Citrine Wagtail | Motacilla citreola | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Grey Wagtail | Motacilla cinerea | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
White Wagtail | Motacilla alba | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
Olive-backed Pipit | Anthus hodgsoni | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Buntings, New World Sparrows and allies (Emberizidae) – 9 / 176 | ||||
Meadow Bunting | Emberiza cioides | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/30/16 | 2 |
Tristram’s Bunting | Emberiza tristrami | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 10 |
Little Bunting | Emberiza pusilla | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
Yellow-throated Bunting | Emberiza elegans | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Yellow-breasted Bunting – VU | Emberiza aureola | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Chestnut Bunting | Emberiza rutila | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 1 |
Yellow Bunting – VU | Emberiza sulphurata | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 3 |
Black-faced Bunting | Emberiza spodocephala | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 5 |
Pallas’s Reed Bunting | Emberiza pallasi | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 4/24/16 | 2 |
Species: 117 |
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