Almost summer has passed, Autumn is very close as per the Chinese Calendar and i’m still stuck with spring report. Thanks to my old laptop which crashed a while a ago left me thinking whether to replace the expensive motherboard or go with a new one. Finally, a new iMac arrived at my desk a month back and it took a while to set up the application and the transition from windows to mac osx.
18th May – Me and Kevin saw ourselves on the road again heading to Yangshan. It was raining throughout the weekend and 18th looked better with slight drizzle and an easterly wind. The sweet lifer of the day started with “Jonathan Martinez” of Tragopan-asie(tragopan-asie.com).
Two pairs of “Black-naped Oriole” are the first for this year’s spring. Asian Stubtails were still hanging out (where you guys have been in the past three years?) A Chinese Sparrowhawk was playing hide & Seek. We finished the garbage dumpyard site and moved on to the temple site. “Spangled Drongo”, the bird which i have missed couple of times finally showed up, spiking the spirits in the rain. “Swinhoe’s Robin” flicked its Rufous-tail for a fraction of second and disappeared in its world of undergrowth again, another long awaited bird. A 2nd CY female Chestnut Bunting which i thought might be a Japanese Yellow bunting was ruled out after a careful analysis by Jonathan & Anders. An “Amur Falcon” glided past, giving another first for the spring and my second sighting in Shanghai. To add fuel to the lifer list, couple of “Thick-billed Warblers” were hanging around in the temple valley.
This must be the mystery Acrocephalus warbler from the previous week. The light was getting slightly better and we decided its time to see Nanhui to add some shorebirds to our birding. Right after the maritime university, a “Cinnamon Bittern” flew across the road showing its bright Cinnamon wings. A very hard to see bird, gave superb views when we just drive past the intersection. No togs at the car park but few whom we met along the sea wall said there was a White-throated Rock Thrush hanging in the car park for couple of days. We searched for a while and left to check the locust trees and mudflats. Couple of female Asian Paradise Flycatchers were as usual hunting in undergrowth of the locust trees, seems like their usual spot on migration.
Mudflats held reasonable size of goodies, Red-necked Stint, Greater Sand Plover, Curlew Sandpiper were few highlights. A leucistic Red-necked Stint was mid-identified as Red Phalarope, Jonathan did a brief analysis and finally ruled out that. Me and Kevin returned to the car park to check the White-throated Rock Thrush for one last time before calling off the day and to our monster luck the bird came in to car park for couple of seconds to conclude our very productive day.
Species List :
Pheasants and allies (Phasianidae) – 1 / 182 | |||
Common Pheasant | Phasianus colchicus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Grebes (Podicipedidae) – 1 / 23 | |||
Little Grebe | Tachybaptus ruficollis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Ibises, Spoonbills (Threskiornithidae) – 1 / 36 | |||
Black-faced Spoonbill – EN | Platalea minor | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Herons, Bitterns (Ardeidae) – 7 / 72 | |||
Yellow Bittern | Ixobrychus sinensis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Cinnamon Bittern | Ixobrychus cinnamomeus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Black-crowned Night Heron | Nycticorax nycticorax | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Chinese Pond Heron | Ardeola bacchus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Grey Heron | Ardea cinerea | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Great Egret | Ardea alba | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Little/Dimorphic Egret | Egretta garzetta/dimorpha | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Chinese Egret – VU | Egretta eulophotes | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Ospreys (Pandionidae) – 0 / 2 | |||
Western/Eastern Osprey | Pandion haliaetus/cristatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Kites, Hawks and Eagles (Accipitridae) – 1 / 256 | |||
Chinese Sparrowhawk | Accipiter soloensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Rails, Crakes and Coots (Rallidae) – 2 / 151 | |||
Common Moorhen | Gallinula chloropus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Eurasian Coot | Fulica atra | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Plovers (Charadriidae) – 3 / 67 | |||
Little Ringed Plover | Charadrius dubius | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Kentish Plover | Charadrius alexandrinus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Greater Sand Plover | Charadrius leschenaultii | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Jacanas (Jacanidae) – 1 / 8 | |||
Pheasant-tailed Jacana | Hydrophasianus chirurgus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Sandpipers, Snipes (Scolopacidae) – 7 / 96 | |||
Common Greenshank | Tringa nebularia | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Terek Sandpiper | Xenus cinereus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Common Sandpiper | Actitis hypoleucos | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Red-necked Stint | Calidris ruficollis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Long-toed Stint | Calidris subminuta | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Sharp-tailed Sandpiper | Calidris acuminata | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Curlew Sandpiper | Calidris ferruginea | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Gulls, Terns and Skimmers (Laridae) – 1 / 102 | |||
White-winged Tern | Chlidonias leucopterus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Pigeons, Doves (Columbidae) – 1 / 335 | |||
Spotted Dove | Spilopelia chinensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Cuckoos (Cuculidae) – 1 / 149 | |||
Common Cuckoo | Cuculus canorus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Caracaras, Falcons (Falconidae) – 1 / 67 | |||
Common/Rock Kestrel | Falco tinnunculus/rupicolus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Amur Falcon | Falco amurensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Cuckooshrikes (Campephagidae) – 1 / 92 | |||
Black-winged Cuckooshrike | Coracina melaschistos | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Shrikes (Laniidae) – 3 / 33 | |||
Tiger Shrike | Lanius tigrinus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Brown Shrike | Lanius cristatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Long-tailed Shrike | Lanius schach | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Figbirds, Orioles (Oriolidae) – 1 / 38 | |||
Black-naped Oriole | Oriolus chinensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Drongos (Dicruridae) – 2 / 26 | |||
Black Drongo | Dicrurus macrocercus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Spangled Drongo | Dicrurus bracteatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Monarchs (Monarchidae) – 2 / 99 | |||
Asian Paradise Flycatcher | Terpsiphone paradisi | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Japanese Paradise Flycatcher | Terpsiphone atrocaudata | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Tits, Chickadees (Paridae) – 1 / 61 | |||
Japanese Tit | Parus minor | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Bulbuls (Pycnonotidae) – 1 / 151 | |||
Light-vented Bulbul | Pycnonotus sinensis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Swallows, Martins (Hirundinidae) – 2 / 88 | |||
Pale Martin | Riparia diluta | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Barn Swallow | Hirundo rustica | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Cettia Bush Warblers and allies (Cettiidae) – 3 / 32 | |||
Japanese Bush Warbler | Horornis diphone | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Manchurian Bush Warbler | Horornis borealis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Asian Stubtail | Urosphena squameiceps | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Leaf Warblers and allies (Phylloscopidae) – 5 / 77 | |||
Dusky Warbler | Phylloscopus fuscatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Arctic/Kamchatka Leaf/Japanese Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus borealis/examinandus/xanthodryas | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Pale-legged Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus tenellipes | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Sakhalin Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus borealoides | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Eastern Crowned Warbler | Phylloscopus coronatus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Claudia’s Leaf Warbler | Phylloscopus claudiae | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Reed Warblers and allies (Acrocephalidae) – 2 / 61 | |||
Oriental Reed Warbler | Acrocephalus orientalis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Thick-billed Warbler | Iduna aedon | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Cisticolas and allies (Cisticolidae) – 2 / 159 | |||
Zitting Cisticola | Cisticola juncidis | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Plain Prinia | Prinia inornata | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Sylviid Babblers (Sylviidae) – 2 / 70 | |||
Vinous-throated Parrotbill | Sinosuthora webbiana | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Reed Parrotbill | Paradoxornis heudei | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Starlings, Rhabdornis (Sturnidae) – 2 / 123 | |||
Crested Myna | Acridotheres cristatellus | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
White-cheeked Starling | Spodiopsar cineraceus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Thrushes (Turdidae) – 3 / 166 | |||
Siberian Thrush | Geokichla sibirica | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Common Blackbird | Turdus merula | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Eyebrowed Thrush | Turdus obscurus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Chats, Old World Flycatchers (320) (Muscicapidae) – 7 / 320 | |||
Grey-streaked Flycatcher | Muscicapa griseisticta | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Dark-sided Flycatcher | Muscicapa sibirica | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Asian Brown Flycatcher | Muscicapa latirostris | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Rufous-tailed Robin | Larvivora sibilans | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Mugimaki Flycatcher | Ficedula mugimaki | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Blue Rock Thrush | Monticola solitarius | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
White-throated Rock Thrush | Monticola gularis | Nanhui, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Old World Sparrows, Snowfinches (Passeridae) – 1 / 51 | |||
Eurasian Tree Sparrow | Passer montanus | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Wagtails, Pipits (Motacillidae) – 1 / 67 | |||
White Wagtail | Motacilla alba | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Buntings, New World Sparrows and allies (Emberizidae) – 1 / 176 | |||
Chestnut Bunting | Emberiza rutila | XiaoYangshan, Shanghai, China | 5/18/14 |
Species: 70 |
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