Enthusiasm and curiosity were flying high after our short butterfly stint in Wuyuan. We wanted to keep the spirits high with another butterfly trip closer to Shanghai. Places like Nanjing and Hangzhou botanical garden seemed to be the fair choice given the connectivity with these cities. While talking with my colleague and who knows my interest suggested an alternative place – Jingshan Temple. Jingshan temple is on a small hillock which is located 60kms west of Hangzhou.
At first, it seemed to be a nice place off the beaten path and it may bring some potential butterflies and also birds on our way. There seemed to be no way of booking any accommodation over the web. Kevin’s wife Kitty Wei helped us book a home stay at the Jingshan Village. Mrs.Zhu homestay (13868042228) was in the middle of a bamboo forest. The homestay was clean, we were the only people staying there but they havd more people visiting their restaurant.
Jingshan Butterflies
We had plenty of surprises at Jingshan. First of, the ghat road was closed due to the maintenance of the temple at the summit. The authorities closed down the road for the convenience of the maintenance vehicle flow but the summit was still open. We decided to hike and it took 3 hours and plus to reach the summit. It could have been done in half the time but we stopped enroute for butterflies and birds.
We saw the Jungle Queen for the first time and it was very impressive. It hardly showed the upper wings but they were remarkable with the arrow markings. Here is a glimpse of its upper wing.

Stichophthalma howqua
Dog or Cat poop seems to be a party place as we always found something attractive when there is plenty of crap around.

“Poop Party” – Lethe syrcis(L), Stichophthalma howqua(C), Lethe lanaris(R)
This Sergeant Emperor was stuck on this turd for several hours.

Sergeant Emperor(Mimathyma chevana) – Glimpse of the upper wing

A closer look but the purple sheen is nowhere seen at this angle

Underwing of Sergeant Emperor(Mimathyma chevana), Lethe syrcis in the front
Lots of people on the trekking path as the road was closed. I guess, the situation will change once the road reopens as most of the people will stick to the roads.

Common Bluebottle (Graphium sarpedon)

Abisara fylloides

Abisara fylloides – Upper Wing

Indian Fritillary – Female (Argyreus hyperbius )

Lethe lanaris
Among the drab looking Lethe butterflies, the Angled Red Forester (Lethe chandica) was somewhat better looking

Angled Red Forester (Lethe chandica)

Everglowing blue blue beauth – Blue Admiral (Kaniska canace)
Jingshan has several Neptis butterflies but they were almost impossible to put a definite ID on them.

Neptis philyra

Yellow Sailor (Neptis ananta)

(Putative) Neptis soma – Upper wing

(Putative) Neptis soma – underwing

Daimio tethys

Ypthima zodia – Underwing

Ypthima zodia – Upperwing

Abraximorpha davidii

Angled Sunbeam (Curatis acuta)

Black-spotted Labyrinth (Neope muirheadii) on the car windshield

Isoteinon lamprospilus

Upper wing of Lethe syrcis
On the second day of the trip, we were lucky to find the checkpost to the summit was not guarded and our usual habit of sneaking in could not be avoided. We took the road to the summit, “Little Forktail” was the commonest Forktail around here and we saw more than a dozen individuals. We also saw a single “White-crowned Forktail“, the other notable birds were Collared Finchill, Black and Chestnut Bulbul, Crested Goshawk, Grey-headed Parrotbill, Huet’s Fulvetta, Meadow Bunting, Chinese Hwamei, Masked Laughingthrush.

Very mystic looking Helcyra subalba

Glimpse of its upper wing (Helcyra subalba)

Satyrium grandis in early morning light

Another view of Satyrium grandis under shade

Thymelicus leoninus

Polytremis theca

Euthalia pratti – Upper Wing

Euthalia pratti – Under Wing

Ypthima baldus – Under Wing

Ypthima baldus – Upper Wing

Onryza maga

Onryza maga

Indian Cabbage White (Pieris canidia)

Glassy Bluebottle (Graphium cloanthus)
Species List:
- Isoteinon lamprospilus (旖弄蝶 / Yǐ nòng dié)
- Daimio tethys (黑弄蝶 / Hēi nòng dié)
- Thymelicus leoninus (豹弄蝶 / Bào nòng dié)
- Polytremis theca (盒纹孔弄蝶 / Hé wén kǒng nòng dié)
- Onryza maga (讴弄蝶 / Ōu nòng dié)
- Abraximorpha davidii (白弄蝶 / Bái nòng dié)
Papilionidae :
- Graphium sarpedon (青带凤蝶 / Qīng dài fèng dié)
- Graphium cloanthus (宽带青凤蝶 / Kuāndài qīng fèng dié)
Pieridae :
- Eurema hecabe (宽边黄粉蝶 / Kuān biān huáng fěndié)
- Pieris canidia(东方菜粉蝶 / Dōngfāng cài fěndié)
- Pieris rapae (菜粉蝶 / Cài fěndié)
Lycaenidae :
- Pseudozizeeria maha (酢酱灰蝶 / Cù jiàng huī dié)
- Abisara fylloides (白带褐蚬蝶 / Báidài hè xiǎn dié)
- Satyrium grandis (大洒灰蝶 / Dà sǎ huī dié)
- Curetis acuta (银灰蝶 / Yínhuī dié)
Nymphalidae :
- Stichophthalma howqua (箭环蝶/Jiàn huán dié)
- Acraea issoria (苎麻珍蝶 / Zhùmá zhēn dié)
- Argyreus hyperbius (黑端豹斑蝶 / Hēi duān bào bān dié)
- Damora sagana (青豹蛱蝶 / Qīng bào jiá dié)
- Kaniska canace (琉璃蛱蝶 / Liúlí jiá dié)
- Polygonia c-aureum (黄钩蛱蝶 / Huáng gōu jiá dié)
- Vanessa indica (大红蛱蝶 / Dàhóng jiá dié)
- Araschnia doris (曲纹蜘蛱蝶 / Qū wén zhī jiá dié)
- Penthema adelma (白斑眼蝶 / Báibān yǎn dié)
- Lethe syrcis (连纹黛眼蝶 / Lián wén dài yǎn dié)
- Lethe lanaris (直带黛眼蝶 / Zhí dài dài yǎn dié)
- Lethe chandica (曲纹黛眼蝶 / Qū wén dài yǎn dié)
- Neope muirheadii (蒙链荫眼蝶 / Méng liàn yīn yǎn dié)
- Mimathyma chevana (迷蛱蝶 / Mí jiá dié)
- Neptis philyra (啡环蛱蝶 / Fēi huán jiá dié)
- Neptis soma (娑环蛱蝶 / Suō huán jiá dié)
- Neptis ananta (阿环蛱蝶 / Ā huán jiá dié)
- Ypthima zodia (卓矍眼蝶 / Zhuō jué yǎn dié)
- Ypthima baldus (矍眼蝶 / Jué yǎn dié)
- Ypthima multistriata (密纹矍眼蝶 / Mì wén jué yǎn dié)
- Helcyra subalba (银白蛱蝶 / Yínbái jiá dié)
- Euthalia pratti (珀翠蛱蝶 / Pò cuì jiá dié)
Total : 36 species
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