

Long-eared Owl

Long-eared Owl



Photography Hides

Black-winged Kite

Brown house with a green roof (a graffiti of tufted Puffin in the front)

Asian Barred Owlet

Black Baza, Chinese Sparrowhawk, Asian Barred Owlet

Exactly at the 7th KM mile marker stone

Good place for Little Forktail

A small marsh on the left side of the road with an abandoned building

Kingfisher Stakeout

Golden Pheasant and Chukars

Mainly Golden Pheasant

Grey-headed Bulbul, Common Rosefinches

Yellow-throated Bulbul

Bar-headed Geese, Waterfowl and Small Pratincole.

Indian Courser, Chestnut-bellied Sandgrouse, Raptors

Kerala Laughingthrush

Rufous-bellied Eagle

Brown Hawk Owl

Spot-Bellied Eagle Owl

Long-billed Plover

Silver Pheasant Stake out

Watercock and Greater Painted Snipe site

Short-tailed Parrotbill and Scaly-sided Merganser(winter) site

Courtois Laughingthrush

Russet Sparrow common along with some mountain birds

Kanas Park Entrance

Mountain road behind Chonghu village, joins shortly after Kanas airport

Alahake Marsh - A very good marsh with lot of breeding birds

Kelancun - A small birch forest with the river running through it.

Hualin Park

TangBa Lake

Qieerkeqixiang - Red-footed Falcon and probable location of Macqueen's Bustard

S304 - European Bee-eater, Roller, Greenfinch etc

Zhaosu Wetland - Common Stonechat, Black & White-winged Tern

YiZhao Gonglu

Yili SeaView Park - Numerous Cetti's Warbler, Little Bittern nesting at the entrance of the Park

X210 to Salimu Hu

HariwusuZhen - Pallas's Gull, European Oriole etc

Desert Finch and European Rollers

Gulls, Shorebirds and Waterfowl

Red-fronted Serin and other passerines along the tourist trail

White-headed Duck and other Waterfowl

0 Comment
  • Firsh
    Jun 17, 2013


  • Joe Hartman
    Jul 20, 2013

    Excellent read Dev and although I recognize and share the tourist site spoil (I'm not a crowd-birder anyway, like to go alone), I must admit that you got quite a bit of interesting birds and nice shots. When it also includes a couple of lifers I think you should not complain. You got them in spite of many people around. I would be happy with such a result. Cheers!

  • Dev
    Jul 20, 2013

    Thanks Joe. I was happy for the bird list. However, my complain is about the tourism culture, over exploitation of natural resources that prevails here. I thought couple of times whether to go on this trip or not due to the cost. But that doesn't stop the daytrippers. China went through lot of revoultions, it desperately needs a "Tourism Revolution"

  • Hao Shen
    Oct 23, 2013

    Come on - Ganesha bless you that your boss didn't know when you drafted this post. LOL

  • Dev
    Oct 23, 2013

    Boss was part of my trip ;-) mate.

  • Hanson
    Jan 09, 2014


  • Hao Shen
    Jan 09, 2014


    Guguu~~ LOL~~

  • Dev
    Jan 10, 2014

    Hanson, you should try sometime on the wild bird photography.

  • Dev
    Jan 10, 2014

    Thanks Mr. Shen!

    Jan 12, 2014

    Great Mr.Devaram.

  • Hao Shen
    Jan 27, 2014

    These picture looks like way more beautiful than the logo within the framework!!!

    Good One - Cheers, Birdman.


  • Pushpakala
    Jan 28, 2014

    Wow, young birdman, I think you danced and flew with cranes.

  • Hao Shen
    Feb 10, 2014

    Keep it GOING!!! - Young Birdman!!!

    GuGu -

  • Vishy
    Mar 29, 2014

    the red crowned crane - 3 in line - is like an action sequence.. supercool pic dev!!

  • MM
    May 02, 2014

    "Braces" on the Pechor'as back...well-known field mark no doubt about to be "discovered" ;0)

  • Dev
    May 02, 2014

    Indeed MM, i had no doubts about that. Those braces were spot on.

  • Gretchen
    Nov 25, 2014

    Beautiful pictures and a really satisfying day!

  • Kevin P
    Nov 30, 2015

    Absolutely awesome Dev. More power to your elbow!

  • Dev
    Dec 01, 2015

    Thanks Kevin, one of the incredible fall season so far

  • CC
    Dec 23, 2015

    Thanks Dev for a great day of birding - from dawn til dusk. I even managed to see the Reed Parrotbill the next day at the place you recommended.

  • Dev
    Dec 23, 2015

    Thank you Carsten. Glad you enjoyed it and got the Reed Parrotbill as well. It's a very sad story that another key endemic species pushed to the verge of extinction because of habitat destruction.

  • Mike Kilburn
    Jan 02, 2016

    A nice report Dev. I had no idea Sandhill Cranes were now regular.

    Happy New Year!

  • Dev
    Jan 04, 2016

    Thanks for stopping by, Mike. There is a single record in Shanghai also, hoping to see one in my patch. You had a hell of an year at the roundabout, Good luck for 2016.

  • Tommy Pedersen
    Feb 29, 2016

    So cool to go back to 'older' photos and realise you were right.
    Here in Dubai we of course have the opposite problem, with Taiga being the vagrant.
    Nice job.

  • Dev
    Mar 07, 2016

    Thank you Tommy. There were good no of 1st year birds have been sighted all along the east coast. Hoping to see the Red-breasted more common in the future.

  • Chandramauli
    Aug 11, 2017

    Hi. Im Chandramauli from bangalore. I came across this blog when i was searching for birding spots in yercaud. The write up was elaborate and other logistics info made this as a complete handbook for preparing future birding travel. Im also intereated to join in ypur expedition in western ghats and explore birding. My best wishes to you and god bless.

  • Dev
    Aug 11, 2017

    Hi Chandramauli,

    Thanks for stopping by and glad to hear that you found the info helpful. Happy Birding in Yercaud!

  • Kevin Pickering
    Oct 05, 2017

    Excellent Dev! How about a shout for Chestnut Tiger. That was way back on 7 Nov 2015 on XiaoYangshan island. As I recall, we saw four (?) of this large butterfly, two on either side of the pedestrian tunnel that leads to the temple. A little research revealed that they had most probably just arrived from Japan and after refueling would be heading off further south. That was certainly a seminal moment for me. I like your idea of inviting contributions of photos from other folk; the more the merrier.

  • Dev
    Oct 20, 2017

    Hi Kevin, Good call. I have got the permission from Dr. Cordes to use his photos and included it in the gallery. Few more will be included in the Hesperiidae section.

  • T.Sundar
    Mar 22, 2018

    Wonderful! I don’t have words to express my feelings. How cute are the birds and butterflies! Thanks for sharing!

  • Dev
    Mar 23, 2018

    Thanks a lot for stopping by. In JK Rowlings words, they are fantastic beasts!

  • Latha
    Mar 28, 2018

    Hi Dev, I am at Trichirappalli and have not seen these exotic birds . I can image the thrill of seeing them through a lens. fantastic photos. Would like to know the lens and camera used by you.

  • Dev
    Mar 29, 2018

    Hello Latha, Thank you. Appreciate your interest in the optics. I use Canon 6d with 400f2.8 ISII.

  • Gyorgy Szimuly
    Sep 07, 2018

    Looks to be a cracking trip.

    I found your checklist on eBird and I wondered if you would support World Shorebirds Day with your shorebird counting results from between 5-11 September 2018? Global Shorebird Counting is under way and our target is to get as may eBirders involved as possible. Please consider sharing your cheklist with the eBird account WorldShorebirdsDay.

    Please find more information about the initiative here: https://worldshorebirdsday.wordpress.com/globalshorebirdcounting/


    Thanks for your consideration. Best wishes, Gyorgy Szimuly
    United Kingdom

  • Dev
    Sep 10, 2018

    Thanks Gyorgy. Unfortunately, i'm tied up with work now. Would you be interested in the records from 1-2 September?

  • Graham Armstrong
    Sep 12, 2018


    Sounds like it was a great trip

    May I enquire how you found driving in the snow during this time of year and did you need chains to be able to access places off main highways. assuming main highways were kept free of snow and ice

  • Dev
    Sep 13, 2018

    Hi Graham,

    Thank you. All the rental cars in Hokkaido during winter comes with Snow tires but no chains. We were not so adventurous to try off road but during the snow storm we did very well manage and it was my first time to drive in the snow covered roads.

  • Marc Bastardot
    Nov 01, 2018

    Two pictures of Cetti's Warbler (the first and the 3rd) are in fact Common Nightingale

  • Dev
    Nov 02, 2018

    Thanks Marc. Infact, those were very confusing and i have kept going back and forth regarding the ID. The first one was very much skulking in the undergrowth and the third one was circling right above me. The problem was there were both Cetti's and Nightingale calling from the same bush and i didn't see the bird while singing. Although, i have labelled the 3rd one Nightingale, i captioned it wrong. Thanks for the confirmation, really appreciate it.

  • Siddhartha Dey
    Nov 13, 2018

    Hi Dev T,

    Wonderful report. Great to see the spoonies in particular.
    Can you get back to me over mail. I need a certain image from you.

    Siddhartha Dey

  • Dev
    Nov 15, 2018

    Hi Siddhartha,

    Thanks for stopping by. I have dropped a note to your email. Cheers!

  • Mike
    Dec 16, 2018

    Hi, I have been experimenting with baijiu for the last three months or so. Its a bit too strong and pungent for my palate. I have found it really is great as a cocktail mixer some brands more so than others. Baijiublog.com has a good in-depth selection on cocktail recipes here https://www.baijiublog.com/baijiu-cocktails/#Baijiu-Cocktails-1

    In my opinion it mixes better with citrus flavors but everyone has their own preferred taste. Enjoy!

  • Dev
    Dec 17, 2018

    Hi Mike, that's bit off topic but yeah i love the suggestions, after all at the end of a long day in the field, a hardcore baijiu or a casual baijiu cocktail will smooth it off.

  • Dave Barnes
    Jan 11, 2019

    Dev, just a note to thank you for the best detailed info I have obtained on Hokkaido! I was short on some information and your details have helped me enormously fill in some gaps I had. Good birding and shooting in future,
    best regards,
    Dave Barnes Shropshire UK.

  • Dev
    Jan 14, 2019

    Hi Dave,

    Glad that the information is useful for you. Have fun in Hokkaido.

  • David BISMUTH
    Dec 01, 2019

    I'm the redactor of the website www.ornithomedia.com, and we'd like to publish a French version of your trip report "Spice it up in ChongQing with Temminck’s Tragopan"? Would it be possible ? Naturally, we would credit the photos and add a link to your original report. And if possible, we would also like to present French versions of other pages of your beautiful blog.

    David Bismuth

  • Dev
    Dec 02, 2019

    Hello David,

    Yes, you can publish the trip report.


  • Weiting
    Jan 15, 2020

    Hi Dev,

    Thanks for your ural owl sighting info. We followed it closely and managed to see one individual in the tree hole. The sighting really made our day.

  • Dev
    Jan 17, 2020

    Hello Weiting,

    Very glad to hear the owl is still there. It was indeed a biggest highlight of my trip as well. Cheers!

  • Harish
    Feb 24, 2020

    Came across this while browsing for birding in Yercaud. The pics and detailing are simply superb. Visual delight. thanks for sharing it in a blog with accurate details.

  • Dev
    Mar 09, 2020

    Thank you, Harish.Hope you enjoyed it.The whole purpose of the blog is to help independent birders to get to places and see the birds they want to see.

  • Paul Ashley
    Jan 25, 2021

    Hi Dev

    Great trip report - where is Hanasaki harbour? I don't see it on Google Maps - perhaps it has another name? Cheers Pash

  • Dev
    Oct 21, 2021

    Hi Pash, Apologies for the late reply. Not quite frequent on the birding front these days. You can find Hanasakiminato in the google maps or with this co-ordinates 43.2824602,145.566476

  • Nick
    Feb 02, 2024

    Hello Dev, wonderful report. Congrats on all those migrants. Your Contact page isn't working, wondering if you could email me?

  • Matt
    Feb 19, 2024

    Thanks for a very helpful trip report! Can confirm that the Ural Owl is still at the location you described as of today, 2/19/2024.

  • Dev
    Apr 06, 2024

    Wow, 8 years later, the owl is still there and glad to know the co-ordinates helped. Appreciate the feedback.

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